We are always excited to share our science with the broader community. Below are some educational modules that we’ve developed. Be in touch if you’d like any of us to speak to your class or institution.
Dynamod: This is an interactive flowline model for Antarctica and Greenland that allows users to assess how specific glaciers vary under a range of climate changes (model is from ). Several tutorials outline specific science questions that high school and lower-level undergraduate students can use in classes. (link under development).
GETSI (Geodesy Tools for Societal Issues) Module on Ice Mass and Sea Level Change: This is a 2-3 week module designed for lower-level undergraduate students. Students interpret geodetic data from Greenland to assess spatial patterns and magnitudes of ice mass change and consider mechanisms and timescales for ice mass loss. Materials for student reading and preparation exercises, in-class discussions, lab exercises, small group activities, gallery walks, and wall walks are provided, as well as teaching tips and suggestions for modifications for a variety of class formats.
CReSIS Educational Resources: We developed lesson plans and activities, primarily for K-8 students to explore Arctic and Antarctic science (sea level rise, glacier flow, remote sensing, polar survival, wildlife).